Jiwaji University results announced

Gwalior based Jiwaji University’s foundation stone was established in 1964 by Sarwapalli Radhakrishnan, the then president of India. It started with 29 affiliated colleges, a number which is currently above 100. Some of the colleges at Jiwaji University have also developed into recognised research centers.

The University science and Instrumentation Center (USIC) extends facilities for fabrication and maintenance of laboratory instruments of School of Studies and affiliated colleges. M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal has established a local cell (MPCOST) to coordinate and monitor various research projects and other scientific activities under the scheme.

The Jiwaji University central Library has a collection of over 1,40,000 books and about 8000 bound volumes of research journals among other study and reference literature.

The Jiwaji University has declared the results of its undergraduate courses. The results of BA, B.Com and BCA Examination 2010 are declared. Jiwaji University Gwalior announced the UG Examination Results on 29th July, 2010 on their official website. Please check their website www.jiwaji.edu for result. For more information about engineering exams and colleges across the world, please visit www.studyplaces.com.

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